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Entry in the Register of Deaths between Jan. 23, 1741 and December 1743 · St. Stephen’s Parish, Vienna · fol. 63r.
The entry of Vivaldi’s passing in the Register of Deaths reads as follows: »July 28, 1741 / The Hon. Mr. Antoni Vivaldi, secular priest, resident at the Satler House next to the Carinthian Gate / buried in the Spitaller graveyard, death knell …3.00 [3 florins] (Der Wohl Ehrwürdige Herr Antoni / Vivaldi, Weltl. Priester in Satlerischen / Haus beym Karner thor, in Spitaller / gotts acker, Kleingleuth _ _ _ 3.00 [3 florins])-« Vivaldi’s main occupation as a composer was not mentioned in any of the four documents issued at the time of his death. The deceased was always only referred to as a secular priest, in the records of St. Stephen’s, in the coroner’s records as well as in the Lista deren verstorbenen zu Wien (list of persons who passed away in Vienna), which was attached to the Vienna “Diarium”.